Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Yarn Everywhere!

Week 3 = Catalog Yarn
Day 1 = January 15, 2014

One cannot knit without needles and yarn. You do not NEED a pattern, stitch markers, blocking kits, magazines, etc. All there is to knitting is you, those needles and that yarn.

This week in honor of half of what's needed to knit, I will catalog and present all my yarn for you. The yarns in a knitters' stash represents their dreams, hopes and good intentions for what they want to accomplish. Needless to say, some of the yarn gets forgotten, re-purposed or even ignored.

So tonight I will be playing a game with you. I am writing this post after my kids have gone to bed so I will not have any interruptions. I'm going to gather all my yarn and I mean ALL, and take some pictures so that you can appreciate what I'll be going through this week to catalog my yarn for the blog and you.

          Are you ready?

          The time is now 9:02pm.

          Musical interlude please

          Think Jeopardy...

          "Dah dah dah dah dah dah dah, 
           Dah dah dah dah dah, dah dah dah dah dah .
           Dah dah dah dah dah dah dah, 
           Dah, dah dah dah dah, dah, dah."

          Time please, Alex 9:14pm.

We see there is a lapse of 12 minutes, which included:
  • gathering yarn from other rooms in the house
  • moving miscellaneous items that normally sit in front of the 2 cabinets
  • arranging the yarn
  • taking the pictures
  • putting the yarn back in its proper place
That is it! Now for an experienced and long time knitter, I think I have a rather small yarn collection. Let us see!

Here we have cabinet number 1. As you can see there are a few baskets and skeins on the floor, but a good variety overall.
 Yarn cabinet number 1

These next two pictures are of cabinet number two, top and bottom. Now you might say, "What is with all the plastic grocery bags?" In turn I would say, "You will have to wait and see."
               Yarn Cabinet number 2 top shelves      Yarn Cabinet number 2 bottom shelves

Now these 2 container are charity yarn for Flowertown Knitting Guild that I'm storing in my house. So technically not mine, but it's in my house and I said ALL the yarn.
Charity Yarn

So I am doing this to partially prove a point to my husband, who I love dearly, because we have a difference of opinion on all the STUFF in the house. Aren't we a cute couple!

Let's not get sidetracked. In a general conversation that we had a few months ago, my husband told me that he thinks I am a hoarder. I was shocked and appalled, then mad and hurt. I came to see things through his eyes. Yes, we do have a lot of STUFF and, yes, I can get sentimental about material items. So I've spent the months since spring cleaning the house. I've made about 1 trip a week to Goodwill and currently have 3 large bags of STUFF in my car to donate. During our conversation after this bright light of information, my husband decided to bring my knitting and my many WiPs (Works in Progress) into the arena. I happily admitted, yes, I am a passionate yarn loving momma and this is my passion and future.

Now months later, our house has a little less STUFF. He still comments from time to time about all the stuff, but it is who I am and well... He married me. So love you, Honey, and I wouldn't want it any other way. Well maybe a bigger house with more room for yarn (oops) I mean us. ;)

Knitting for Sanity,

aka - Yarn Hoarder (so the husband says)

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