Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Black hole! What black hole?

Week 4 = Catalog Magazines, Books and Patterns
Day 1 = January 22, 2014

     In this day and age of social media we can get and do anything online. We read newspapers, play games, email, Skype, look for jobs, read books, bank and many more things... all online. It's a sign of the future, which apparently knitters worldwide have missed. Yes, knitters will do all those things listed above online. I'm talking about when it comes time to knit a project, we rely on a piece of paper.

     I probably have a hundred if not more patterns saved on my computer from many different knitting companies, blogs, fiber dyers, spinners and so on. BUT, when it comes time to actually knit the project, we knitters will print that pattern out on paper (remember what that is) and carry it around with us as if it were the holy grail. Why, you say? Because a piece of paper will not run out of power, get a virus or have horrible glare on a sunny day. Therefore that flimsy piece of paper is much more trustworthy to a knitter.

     Now I'm not saying that we do not use social media, have you checked out lately? It's basically Facebook for knitters. Social media is a black hole that sucks a knitter in for hours at a time. It's 8pm where I live and I can go check out info on a yarn shop in West Chester, PA or a yarn dyer in AK, or a specific type of wooly pig called the Mangalista*(see note below). I can do any of these whenever I want, but when it comes to knitting, I trust my piece of paper.

     So, this week I am going to focus on cataloging the actual physical knitting media that I have, for example, my books, magazine and printed patterns. Maybe you will find something that you like in my knitting blog/black hole.

     *I have recently become obsessed with the Mangalista Pig. I want one so bad to try to knit with their fleece.

Aren't they cute?

Question of the day
What websites, information, blogs, etc. do you look up online?

Knitting through the web,


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