Thursday, January 2, 2014

WiPs collection time

Week 1 = Catalog all Works in Progress (WiPs)
Day 2 = January 2, 2014
I have started to gather all the various bags through out the house that have projects on needles. Let me tell you it was a knitty scavenger hunt.
Here is a list and pictures of where I found different projects all over the house:
1. 2 bags with a 3 total of projects in the dark recesses of my closet
2. 1 bag with 3 projects hanging on the coat closet door
3. 1 project sitting on the shelf above the couch (I was working on this one today)
4. 1 bag by the piano with 2 small project bags in it: one containing 1 project ready to be put on the needles and a 2nd bag with 2 projects
5. 1 bag with 2 projects in the yarn cabinet
6. 1 towel with 1 rather large project stored in my daughter's changing table in my master bedroom
So I will have to tell you how I unearthed the 2 bags long forgotten from number, 1 but that will be tomorrow's post.

That is my pile of project bags being guarded by my 18 month old. She kept moving the bags to where ever I was standing. 
If you count all of the WiPs there are 13 projects waiting for me. For those of you that know me, you will know that 13 is my lucky number and also the date on which I was born, so the fact that I have 13 WiPs is serendipitous. WOW! Now, you might say I have a common knitting problem known as startitis, but I say, "I like to learn and try new things." I can't wait to show you the variety of projects and yarns from all the works in progress that I found, so check back soon.
So from the land of knitting projects I bid you adieu.

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