Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Yarn Clean Up

Week 35 = Yarn Clean Up
Day 1 = August 27, 2014

     Business first. The winner of the August Giveaway is Carol Savery-Frederick. Congratulations!

     Today, I packed up 5 boxes for the potential, some time in the future move. That got me thinking... what yarn do I actually have and where is it all? So, I am going to use this week to update my Ravelry stash information and I am even going to go as far as creating a project if I know what I am going to do with a certain yarn or yarns.

     I tried to do this at the beginning of the year and was successful in listing most of the yarn I had here on my blog. I said that I was then going to copy all the information to Ravelry. As you can guess from this post, it did not happen. To increase the chances of succeeding this time I am going to put all the information on Ravelry and list the link here. The same thing goes if I create a project for it.

     Be ready for lots of beautiful yarn, lost yarn, gift yarn, charity yarn, so-so yarn, luxurious yarn and many more.

For today's Knitting Question of the Day,
go to Savery Knitting on Facebook.
Knitting My Inventory,

1 comment:

  1. If I inventory all my yarn, then I have to face the fact I have a lot of yarn - probably more than I will ever use in this lifetime. Then I would have to find a reason to buy more yarn - other than "ohhhh, that's pretty!!".
    So, have I inventoried - no. Will I inventory - probaly not!!
