Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Clipboard Patterns?

Week 5 = Cataloging Patterns
Day 6 = February 4, 2014

     I have a clipboard that I keep in my knitting bag. Yes, I said clipboard. What's on the clipboard you ask? Well, right now I have membership applications for Flowertown Knitting Guild and 7 patterns for current or wishful thinking projects. How else am I supposed to keep the pages from getting all crinkled and messed up.

Here are my current projects:

Ten Stitch Blanket by Frankie Brown
     I love this blanket. The pattern is super easy to remember and starts out very quickly because, as the name states, there are only 10 stitches. Once you have gone around a few of the corners you will be able to easily recognize where you are in turning the corner, without having to keep precise track. I found a super helpful Youtube video by VeryPink Knits called Ten Stitch Blanket Tutorial.
My Project

Pattern Photo

Hat with Heart by Lynn Ann Banks
     This is a pattern that Flowertown Knitting Guild has used for some of our charity projects. We were even able to modify it for children's sizes. It is very easy to follow and has knitting directions for working the project both flat and in the round. I have also used this pattern as a template for the sizing on many other hats that I have done.
My Project

Pattern Photo

     This was my first foray into the Land of Lace. A simple 12 row pattern that you repeat until you get to your desired length. The only issue I had was my OCD would not allow me to stop in the middle of the 12 row pattern. So I put it in a time-out (like I mentioned yesterday) and haven't picked it back up yet. Sometimes I think that I just need to let go.
My Project

Pattern Photo

Cold Mountain by Keiran Foley
     KAL in the knitting world means Knit-Along. This can be locally, nationally or even internationally. This shawl was also a first for me, my first KAL. Flowertown Knitting Guild started this back in July. My mother is about 10 rows from finished with hers and I'm about 10 rows from the start of mine. Funny huh.
My Project

Pattern Photo

Now onto my wishful projects.

Scarf Pattern by Deanna Van Assche

Beaded Wrist Warmers by Lynn Wilson

Beaded Shrug by Helen Bingham
Beaded Shrug

     I have great plans for the blog next week, a new finished project to share and hopefully (all 10 fingers, toes, arms and legs crossed) some exciting new connections. See you tomorrow for the start of new blog week.

Question of the Day
How do you corral your patterns in your knitting bag/s?

Knitting with Clipboards,


1 comment:

  1. This question calls for a 2-part answer.
    1: I always make a copy of the pattern I'm knitting to keep in the project bag (folded in half) to use as I knit.
    2: I finally gave in and got a 3-ring binder to hold print-outs of projects I like - both finished and TO DO. They're all in sheet protectors so they don't get torn out by mistake. Right now I'm using a 1" binder. I can see the day when it will grow to a 2" or 3" binder. That's probably when I'll have to go through everything and shrink it back down to a 1" or 1-1/2" binder. My knitting suitcase is already getting heavy with everything I think I 'need' to have with me at all times! Hey, a touch of OCD, don't ya think!
