Day 2= May 15, 2014
I was given a certificate as the Interweave Knitting Lab 2014 Scholarship winner. Here I am with Karin Strom, the Editorial Director on the left, and Maggie Reinholtz, my scholarship contact on the right.
Here are Mom and I between our 2 classes.
My first class was Short Rows 4 Ways, taught by Candice Eisner Strick
My Mom's first class was Love Your Lace!, taught by Annie Modesitt
Mom's second class was Fixing Mistakes, taught by Kate Atherley
Later in another blog, I will have more information on the classes and new information on the Market, the Goody Bags and the Evening Events, possibly even a hint as to June's Giveaway.
Knitting question of the day
Which of these 4 teachers would you most like to take a class from?
Double Knitting,
All of them! I'm a glutton for education. Hope you are having fun.