Friday, June 20, 2014

Red Scarf Project

Week 25 = Knitting for a Cause
Day 3 = June 20, 2014
     For those of us that have a family, receiving a hand knit item brings joy, beauty and occasionally tears. Now imagine the emotion when the foster kids from today's cause receive their item. The following information and picture is directly from the Foster Care to Success website.

fc2s red scarf project
Do you love to knit or crochet? Whether you are a beginner, an expert, or somewhere in between, your handiwork can send warmth and encouragement to a foster student! Click here for more information on red scarf knitting guidelines.

The handmade red scarves in each of our Valentine’s Day care packages become treasured keepsakes that our students wear for years. The Red Scarf Project offers a unique opportunity to use your creativity to give a truly personal gift to one student as he or she moves forward to graduation and a brighter future.

“Your hands are a window into your heart and soul. There is a piece of yourself in every project you make; there is love in every stitch, and a handmade scarf is like a hug. Foster Care to Success’ Red Scarf Project gives us each an opportunity to show that someone out there, even a stranger, truly cares about our foster youth.” - “Master Knitter” Lily Chin, Red Scarf Project spokesperson

The Red Scarf Project is endorsed by Interweave Knits, The National Needle Arts Association, and the Lily Chin Signature Collection.

Knitting question of the day
What has been the best reaction you have seen when giving a knit item?

     Don't forget about the June Giveaway. For all the information on the giveaway check out Wednesday's blog.

Knitting Red,



  1. What a wonderful feeling to give the gift of a hand knit item. Each time is special, but there are some great reactions: a BIG hug and yes, tears of gratitude (prayer shawls). Another favorite is the look of amazement and delight when the recipient asks, "Did you really make this? It's gorgeous!" (a lace shawl given as a Christmas gift). Keeps me knitting.

  2. First pair of socks I knit for then 2 1/2 year old grandson were a hit! He wouldn't take them off!. His Gigi made them for him! My daughter had to peal them off when he went to sleep! Now whenever I'm knitting, he thinks they are more socks for him!
