Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Knitting Declaration/Resolution

Week 23 = Knitting Declaration/Resolution
Day 1 = June 4, 2014

Think about it, if knitting
Picture from

Here are some definitions for you:
Declaration - a formal or explicit statement or announcement
Resolution - a firm decision to do or not to do something
     I have always been wary of the word and action of making a resolution. The word declaration seems a bit grandiose to me. So this week I will be facing them both head on.

     Over the past few weeks I have been realizing that my professional life is not going the way I want it. I am struggling with a lack of identity. Other than being a Mom, I do not know who I am. This happens with many stay-at-home Moms.

     This will be a week of opening up and being honest with myself and you, my readers. I look forward to sharing pieces of myself with you and, in return, having your support.

     I have been scared to make declarations all my life. I grew up putting everyone else first and taking care of everyone else. I have always been known as the Mom of the group, even back in high school. Putting me first never even occurred to me. This has transferred over into my knitting.

     I have made several knitting declarations/resolutions since the beginning of the year, but always to myself. If I were to speak them out loud or even post them on this blog, then I would be held accountable and could FAIL. Other than snakes... failing is one of my greatest fears. I am also afraid to succeed and to be that responsible person that others rely on professionally. Now I find this extremely funny. I was completely comfortable taking care of other people socially, but doing the same thing professionally scares my to death.

     So, with open eyes I am going to take a leap and trust that I will succeed and overcome any obstacles that come along. Please join me as I begin to transform my life.

Knitting question of the day
What is your greatest fear?

Knitting Away the Fear,


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